
I am training for the Rotterdam Marathon. Stats, schedule, and progress notes.


Training stats

Current longest run :
15 KM.

Previous record :
21KM (2011)

Pace :
6:03 per km.

Schedule :
twice per week.

Marathon start :
Sunday, April 13th, 2025.

Peak training :
February 2025

Peak distance :

Full-body workouts :

Yoga sessions :
2 (strength specific)


Body composition

188 CM.

71.6 KG.

Weight change:
-1.10 %.

Waist change:
-1.67 %.

Butt growth:
+3.04 % change in butt circumference.

3000 consumed daily.

Point 0:

Differentials are calculated from Point 0.

Training schedule

The table only shows "mission critical" runs, which I have dubbed "long runs". I try to go for at least one "short run" (< 9km) in any given week. I don't know if running twice a week will suffice. I may have to increase volume, but we shall see.

Period Weeks W1 W2 W3 W4
November 4 13 15 12 10
December 4 15 17 19 21
January 4 12 16 22 24
February 4 12 28 14 32
March 4 0 15 30 15
April 2 10 5

Progress notes

Mental state refers not to mood but training expectations. Do I feel positive or negative towards reaching my next goal?

Note Month Mental state

I can comfortably run 10Ks now. Designing a new program with full-body workouts. Improving overall strength and flexibility should have a positive effect on my training.

october positive

No injuries but must increase work on any muscles that affect the knee. 15K at a comfortable 6 min/km is doable. I feel 20K is within reach.

november positive

I injured myself on the 24th. I don't think it's overuse. I ran on tilted terrain for at least a kilometer. The road was heavily slanted towards the right creating an imbalance of forces pressing down on the knee. I'll give it rest and assess where I am in a week. The Bruggenloop (15km) is coming up! I did a full body workout today (27th) without pain. I'm hopeful.

late november positive