
It's okay to be different.

(I really need to stop taking life so seriously.)


Hi! I'm Rob -- this is my digital garden -- you're welcome to go explore but at the moment it's mostly just bits and pieces of my life that I'd like to leave behind when I die.

I like to educate.

I urge you to define your mission and purpose in life to give it direction. It doesn't matter whether or not you choose "right". The only thing that matters is that you start. Remember, you can change your mind at any time.

I have always felt different from your standard human.

I feel like an anthropologist studying human behaviour rather than a human being who intuitively understands social dynamics. It's not like I'm completely clueless, I just think that most of what we do is either incredibly stupid or not worth doing.

As a child I didn't realise that having a stance like that makes me instantly unlikeable. It's been a lonely life but I'm learning how to connect with peers, how to find my people, and how to not be an ass. It's made all the difference.

I aim to raise awareness on mental health issues and the structures that must be in place to prevent early deaths from suicide. My work aligns most closely with Sustainable Development Goals number 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and 10 (Reduced Inequalities).

I am ND (neurodivergent) because I have C-PTSD and I have sensory processing issues. I might be autistic with low support needs. I'm awaiting diagnosis. Society isn't set up to accommodate people like me. The end result is high suicide rates.

There were several alarming findings in this study, including the fact people on the autism spectrum but without intellectual disability were more than 5 times more likely to die by suicide compared to people not on the autism spectrum.

It's a giant waste of talent and human life.

My mission is to address the systemic issues affecting people who don't fit in, raise awareness, provide support for people like me, and educate. I wish to give people hope that they can thrive in this fucked up world.

Manifesto for better living

Suicide prevention 101.

Meaningful work

No human being shall feel like their work doesn't meaningfully contribute to the greater whole. It's dehumanising to work a job that doesn't intrinsically motivate.

Easy access to work

It should be trivial to obtain meaningful employment. It shouldn't require two decades of education, the right connections, and incredible efforts to have a chance at a decent life.

Labour Dividend

The working class are entitled to the fruits of their labour, not the owner class. Every worker must, by law, be guaranteed that they will get a share of the profits.

No more billionaires

The existence of the billionaire class is a moral failure. We can use taxes to erase the billionaire class. Those taxes should go towards: education, healthcare, infrastructure.

Work should be optional

Work should be optional. I believe that most humans want to work, they want to meaningfully contribute to society, but it shouldn't be required.

Stakeholders over shareholders

A company's fiduciary duty is with the community it serves and the people it employs. Your aim isn't profit. It is solely to improve the lives of your community.

Housing first

Everyone is entitled to a home, water, warmth and food. We all deserve being surrounded by beauty and be protected from the elements. No more homeless people.

Homes aren't investments

Nobody should be allowed to buy a second home. Not corporations, not individuals. We don't have the resources. Your kids need homes too. You're pricing them out.

Reverence for nature

We might be the earliest intelligent life form in the universe and we are squandering this precious gift. By revering nature we maintain our health and longevity.

Limit production

Human beings need two things to be happy: connection and new experiences. We should limit production of anything superfluous to shield our habitat from further destruction.

A unifying philosophy

Nobody can navigate life without philosophy. We cannot afford to think of other people as enemies. There is so much more that unites us than divides us. Help others navigate life.

Compassion as the Golden Rule

To have compassion is to know that everyone suffers. Your words hold the power to either heal or destroy. Let whatever you say inspire and ease the pain we carry with us.

No-one gets paid more than educators

We can't create a world in which everyone participates equally without education. Educators are they most valued members of society and their salaries should reflect that.

No more 9 to 5

Pursuing the arts and being with our loved ones are the true joys of life and keep us healthy. The 9 to 5 needs to go to free up time for what actually matters.

No more cars

The car is an abomination. A car-centric world poisons every aspect of life. Everyone should have access to the basics within walking distance and be surrounded by nature.

A bike-centric world

The Dutch are doing it right. Cycling everywhere is a joy, safe, and allows you to travel great distances without harming nature. Pack only what's necessary.

Ban social media

The rise of social media has led to the destruction of the social contract and has warped the minds of your youth on what's normal. Destroy it to save our youth and democracy.

Joy is your birthright

Life should be joyful, not stressful. You are entitled to a joyful and care-free life.

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